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Global Read Aloud

Have you heard of the Global Read Aloud? I just heard about it, and it sounds like such a wonderful activity to do with your class. Starting October 5th, you begin reading a book with your students over a six week period. Other classes around the world are reading the same book, and then you can connect with them and discuss the book. You can make as many connections as you want, and put as much or as little time into it as you want.

I think this project would have so many positive benefits in a classroom. It will help your students continue to gain a love of reading, and also connect with other classes around the world. I think it would be great to just choose 1 class to connect with, and then continue connecting throughout the year. You can discuss the book, but you can also learn a lot about other cultures, the way other schools are run, and the thoughts and beliefs of other people from different places.

Here is a class in Madison, Wisconsin connecting with other students.

What a great activity! There are a few different books to choose from, so you really could do this for any grade you teach. There is also a Pinterest page that has some ideas for lessons and activities to go along with the books here. 

If you want to join in and be a part of the Global Read Aloud 2015, click here.

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